Thursday 5 December 2013

Assignment 1 - Digital Literacy

1.a.) I do agree somewhat with this article because classroom technology is changing miraculously. In the article it quoted, "The idea that the world we shape in turn shapes us is a constant." which I definitely agree with and can relate to because the world isn't shaping us, we're shaping ourselves to do these amazing things with technology. There have been so many different iPhones, laptops and etc. designed in the past 5 years, just from a group of people who wanted to shape our world's technology. It's funny how this article is based on technology in classrooms and in general, meanwhile I'm sitting here writing this on my computer. This tells you so much based upon how school was twenty years ago, and how school is now.

b.) This quote speaks so strongly to me because like the quote stated, "Newspapers, television, and computers—all human inventions." The world wouldn't be where it is today with it's modern technology if we didn't have people like Steve jobs, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin etc. who impacted our world in such great ways. They have changed the way that society works now a days. If it wasn't for them, we would still be lighting candles in the dark and roasting meat around a fire.

c.) Digital Literacy: The ability to operate new technology and computers to use and create information. A person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from technology.
Visual Literacy: The ability to recognize and understand ideas conveyed through actions or images. Applying our visual senses to understand, create and use images for different purposes.

d.) Some of the programs that I have used are Youtube, Blogger, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter and Flickr. The programs that look interesting to me are Snugmug, Yelp, Ping and Hi5 because their names seem very intriguing and they were the ones that stood out to me.

2.a.) Program 1 (Wordle) -The purpose of Wordle is that you can get a 'cloud' of colourful text with different fonts and layouts. This program could definitely be used in Humanities, it would be a creative way of summarizing something. For example: If we had to write about vikings, I could go onto Wordle and enter words like strong, fierce, brave. It would then put it into a decorative collage of words for me. The pros of this would be that you can tell your students about this program and they can express there words or feelings - making it a very creative learning environment. The cons to this is that you don't really learn anything from it and I don't really see this program being fun after I've used it multiple times, I'd essentially get bored of it. I would use this program, but like I said, I don't see it as it being a lot of fun for me.

Program 2 (Voice Thread) - The purpose of Voice Thread is a place where you can have private online discussions where you can send images, videos and documents to the group conversation. In Humanities, you could hold a group discussion even when we're not all in class or if we miss any homework, we could all join the discussion and look to see if there is anything we missed in Humanities. The pros of this program is that you can discuss topics with your peers on everything and anything. It's a great way to interact without having to meet up with each other. The cons to this program is that I'm not too sure how safe it is because important documents and images could be shared with one another and I haven't really heard of this site until now. Honestly, I probably wouldn't use this program because I'd rather meet up with somebody and have a discussion with them face to face instead of talking through a computer, but that's just my personal preference.

Program 3 (Prezi) - The purpose of Prezi is so you can make a presentation out of using a slideshow, which shows us how much our technology has innovated. We could use this a lot in Humanities because I have seen Prezi already being used to present projects instead of poster boards and paper. This is a very fun way of creating your own project! The pros of this project is that it teaches you about modern technology and it seems like a great way to get kids to want to do projects. The cons of this is that it seems kind of confusing to use ...I tried it out and ended up deleting a lot of my progress. I would think about using this, but for now I'll just stick with poster boards.


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